Lancaster Improv Players at Work!
Seriously Fun Corporate Training and Private Shows
Improv comedy is actually easier than it looks! The tools improv gives our performers on stage help turn them into the most present, generous, and brave versions of themselves. They learn to take risks, get things done, and have fun doing it. Okay, maybe not everyone will find it easy right away, but it’s pretty simple. Spend some time learning how to get out of your own head and out of your own way, and everything you do will be more effective and enjoyable.
Improv is one of the newest and hottest training methods for work. Every week new articles are coming out about top companies and business schools using improv for training. Real science backs up this form of professional development.
The groups we work with don’t only have an amazing time (they always do), but they also see a noticeable improvement in employee satisfaction, reduced turnover, more efficient teams, and better communication. Every week we help shy people speak up, aggressive team members give space and listen, and colleagues begin to trust each other and the group.
The tools we use are simple: We ask you to have fun because it makes learning easier. We ask you to practice taking risks in a safe space because you’ll quickly realize it’s not so scary. We ask you to say yes to your partners’ ideas because you’ll appreciate it when they say yes to yours. At the end of two hours, or a half-day or six months of improv training, your team will be operating from a more authentic and connected place, ready to play hard and perform at the highest levels.
We can tailor-make a workshop or training series to meet your needs, or if you prefer, ask us how we can help your team with the following:
– Unique, out of the box team-building to help your team relax, laugh, and bond
– Strengthen the core skills of a high-performance team by developing leadership and communication skills
– Breathe fresh air into corporate training skills, by having an expert facilitator work with your own training or event content
– Spread positivity and teamwork to create a fun and collaborative work environment
– Bring in an expert facilitator and innovator to help your team think outside of the box
– Book private shows or events for your company of any length and theme, tailor-made to your needs
We can come to you in person or via Zoom, or you can rent our theater for your event.
Contact us below for options, rates, and references or email us at LancasterImprovPlayers@gmail.com.